Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Slow lame day

I don't know about you, but it seems to me like nothing much is going around the interwebs today....

Except for the Woz getting married! Again! This would be number 4, I believe. And no, it's not Kathy Griffin. Though that would have been awesome.

Let's see what else is going on...

Britney wore a white bra with a black shirt. Fashion faux-pas.
And what is up with that purse? Is that... is that a speaker? It is, isn't it? You got that in the toy department at Walmart, didn't you? You can't fool me.

Smart People came out on DVD today. Never heard of it before. The reviews are positive. What I don't understand is, there are a lot of famous people in this movie; why wasn't it promoted better? Just because it was in Sundance doesn't mean you're too cool to talk about it.

Apparently the "experts" aren't employed by the New York Times.

Angelina Jolie replaced Tom Cruise in a movie role. Lame... not! I'll take Angie over crazy Tom any day. What if he forgot to take his meds and started jumping on the furniture again? Do you know how much it cost Oprah to get that couch clean? Well, probably nothing. She's f'n Oprah. But that's besides the point.

And the lamest of them all.

I always knew Kanye was a tool...cough, I mean, a puppet... cough, sorry. Something in my throat.

All in all, a good day.

Later, dudes.

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